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Every child who goes into foster care has a different background and story. They may have had a breakdown in their birth family, illness, or need to be taken away from their home because of a situation where their safety and welfare has been threatened.


No matter what their background, young people who are fostered will feel a sense of loss being separated from their birth families and will have worries about moving into foster care.


As a foster carer it is important that you understand the reasons why children go into care, which is why we offer free training to all our foster carers before they are approved and continual training afterwards.


The difficulties fostered children have been through are often expressed through challenging or difficult behaviour. They may have tantrums, be clingy, reject your care, or act younger than they are. But with our training and support we make sure that all our foster carers have the superpowers they need to help whoever they look after.


We strive to support and build a wide and diverse group of foster carers at Parallel Parents. Parallel Parents welcome applications from everyone. 


We aim to support children and young people from all backgrounds including white, asian, black and ethnic minority communities. We have many children and young people from all backgrounds coming into our care which is why we look to welcome applications from those with a diverse background as we’re experiencing a growing demand for foster carers who can support us with these children and young people.


According to the Office for National Statistics, there are approximately 79,000 children in foster care across England. Of these, 5,370 are from Muslim, Hindu and Sikh backgrounds with a further 1,780 of Asian mixed race. Similarly, 8,440 are Black African/Black Caribbean, and 4,400 more are Black mixed race. That’s the equivalent of 25% of all fostered children, which is why our approach to foster care and religion is so important.

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We know that fostering has its ups and downs and can be challenging at times.


That's why we think it's really important to give you lots of training before and after you're approved as a foster carer.


Our sister company, Training 2 Care, which is a City & Guilds approved training and development team, provides both internal and external training for all of our foster carers. We get our experienced foster carers involved in training to ensure training is relevant, interesting, and practical.


There is specialist training for our foster carers on subjects such as behaviour management, attachment training, life story work, internet safety, therapeutic approaches, first aid, preparing for independence and much, much more.


Training is also tailored to suit particular the interests and requirements of our foster carers depending on the type of children they look after and their individual needs.


In addition, we love seeing our carers develop. In each area we have 'Hub Carers' who are experienced carers that help to provide peer support to other carers in the area, run support groups, and get involved with helping us to find new foster carers. They can then further develop and become paid support workers or go on to do their social worker degree. 


Ofsted have stated "foster carers receive excellent supervision and support... A number of foster carers stated that the supervision and support they receive from this agency was far superior to that of other fostering agencies."

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Apply now!

Start a rewarding career in which you can make a real difference. We will fully train and prepare you to be a great foster parent and help give a less fortunate child a brighter future.


We give you all the support information you need to get started as a foster carer. If you have a question that hasn't been answered by our website, feel free to start a quick web chat with us, email us, or give us a call, and we'd be delighted to answer your query!


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