Spectrum is Emma Furness' sensory hub, set up to help support families who foster with Parallel Parents. Spectrum offers support to families who are looking after young people who display complex behaviours which could be due to sensory difficulties, anxiety, autism and ADHD.
At Parallel Parents, supporting families is one of our highest priorities. Our supervising social workers receive training from Spectrum so that they can offer our families support when experiencing behaviours related to ADHD, Autism and sensory difficulties.
Our foster families can also receive additional support around the behaviours of their young people through Spectrum. Part of Emma’s role involves creating sensory profiles for young people in our care, and working on strategies to help manage behaviours.
Who is Emma Furness?
Emma is one of our Supervising Social Workers and Designated Sensory Needs Practitioner for Parallel Parents and Care Today. Emma has 14 years of lived experience with her own children who have sensory difficulties alongside ADHD and autism. Emma has also completed her Masters Degree in Children with Autism and is currently completing a PhD to explore behaviours and diagnosis. Emma has also recently been awarded a Sensory Needs Practitioner Award due to her experience and strengths in her role.
While Emma has already been supporting the organisation for
some time, the support she has offered to so many families is
so valuable that we have decided to build Emma her own hub
to support all families, carers, Care Today staff and young people.
After lots of meetings and planning we have now successfully created Spectrum. Emma will continue helping to support families throughout their journey by providing advice and guidance, new strategies and knowledge around autism and ADHD.
Watch the video below to learn more information about Emma and about what she offers our carers and staff.