Firstly... Thank you!
Even just by reading this paragraph, you're helping raise general awareness of fostering and therefore potentially improving outcomes for children and young people in care. Whether you're having a look around our website, clicked on an ad, or ended up here by accident somehow, thank you for taking the time to learn more about what fostering is and how it changes the lives of children and young people.
Did you know that on average, a child or young person enters care in the UK every 20 minutes? You can imagine, then, that foster carers are in high demand. Unfortunately there are a lot of misconceptions about what being a foster carer means, and about the types of young people who come into care. However, since you're on our refer a friend page, that's probably more what you want to learn about. If you did want to learn more about what fostering is and why young people go into fostering, we'd be grateful if you had a look around our website.
Otherwise, info about referring a friend can be found below.
Refer a friend
Foster carers provide a stable and loving home for young people when they need one. You can imagine how this can drastically improve a young person's whole life. While the message is probably clear by now, there's a national shortage of foster carers, with a child coming into care every 20 minutes. We need your help to find potential foster carers.
If you know someone with a spare room who is thinking about fostering, please have a chat to them, and point them this way. Hopefully our website can give both you and them lots of info, but we're always more than happy to chat and answer absolutely any questions!
As a thank you, we'll give you £1000. That's £250 when we receive their application, and £750 when they've had a placement for four weeks. Fill out the form below to refer someone, or just ask them to get in touch with us, mentioning your name. Thank you!

How does the referral reward work?
Upon receiving a referral our local foster care development worker will contact the applicant and go through an initial enquiry screening call with them to ensure they meet the basic requirements needed to be a foster carer. If the applicant is successful the foster care development worker will arrange a visit to the applicants home with one of our existing foster carers to discuss fostering in depth. Following a successful visit the applicant will be invited to fill in an application form. Once this is complete it will be reviewed by our registered manager and if approved to advance to an assessment, we will pay you £250.
The remaining amount of £750 will be paid when the new carer is approved and had a placement for four weeks.
Thank you! Even just having conversations about fostering can improve the outcomes for children and young people in care.